Hi! Thank you so much for your insightful comment! I really appreciate your perspective as a mindful educator and meditation…

About Improve Yourself Every Day – How And Why Was Made This Website
Welcome to Improve Yourself Every Day, where I hope you’ll find an informative and supportive community for those who believe that improving is a way of living.
My Story
Hi! I’m Miki, the founder of Improve Yourself Every Day website. For the best part of my life, my focus was to improve myself every day, to be the better version of myself I can be, and that was and is an amazing journey for me. I had many ups and downs; I struggled with depression, self-hatred, the feeling of not being enough, and a lot of negative mental programming and fears that sometimes gave me anxiety and panic attacks. But the firm belief and knowing that I can be better and deserve better made me look for ways and tools to help me pass these dark moments.
One of my favorite way or tool that I use is books. I love to read, and I love books; they’ve been my best friends, companions, and salvation through all of these years of self-discovery. Books helped me discover how to heal myself and improve in all aspects. They made me realize that I’m not the only one that struggles with these dark moments and that there are ways you can overcome anything if you want to.
Connecting with people who have overcome the problems I was (or I’m) facing is another favorite way I used (and use) to improve myself every day. They helped me find the best way to overcome the problem, and, with time, I understood that you could do anything if you want, and if you find the right people who could help you, it is impossible not to succeed. These days are even easier to find the right people for you; with all the fantastic online communities you can easily find, the trick is finding the right communities for you.
Of course, we have a lot of excellent tools at our disposal to improve ourselves every day; all we have to do is find the right ones for us. The Improve Yourself Every Day website was created with the belief that I could share some of my journey experiences and the rich resources I have found over the years.
My mission: improve myself every day, helping others to do the same
I have had a complicated journey with ups and downs, bliss and depression, hope and despair, and joy and sorrow. I realized that all are moments in time that later on are memories you treasure and that all of us, at some point, experience these moments; what could help us the most is to be there for each other.
My passion is to help people; helping people while I improve myself is my mission, which I choose with all my heart. Better people mean a better world for everyone; what could be a more perfect reason for helping everyone that you can? I believe we all could do and be better if we helped each other and supported each other in this beautiful journey that we call life.
The purpose of Improve Yourself Every Day
My website and content are designed to help you with improving yourself daily and, as a result, improve your life. We all come to this world with great potential, we have all we need in us, and all we have to do is trust ourselves to accomplish what we set our mind to do. But sometimes, this seems difficult or even impossible, so in those moments, we need to support, to encourage each other. Help each other with advice, an opinion, or a kind word.
I hope this site will unite people and be a safe place to share our experiences, hopes, ups, downs, and life stories without judgment. I will also share some tools and ways that have helped me overcome dark moments, negative thoughts, depression, self-hatred, feelings of not being enough, negative mental programming, fears, and anxiety.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, please leave them below, and I will be more than happy to help you.
All the best,